
One of my first math talks ever, at the Sharif Summer School of Mathematics in 2019.

Invited Talks

  • (July 2024)
    • “An Application of SDP in QIT” (Slides)
      In the Sharif Math Journal’s Night
    • “Iterative Algorithms for Quantum State Discrimination” (Slides)
      In Télécom Paris, Quriosity

  • (June 2024)
    • “An Introduction to Quantum Computing” (Slides)
      In the Design of Algorithms course at SUT, invited by Shahram Khazaei

  • (November 2023)
    • “Positive Maps and their Applications in the Study of Entanglement”
      In Hamband scientific association (Poster)

  • (November 2022)
    • “Recursion Theorem and Hilbert’s Dream”
      In Hamband scientific association (Poster)

Course Presentations

  • (March 2024)
    • “Introduction to Quantum Information Theory” (Slides)
      A presentation for the Théorie de l’information course (2023-2024)
    • “Positive but not Completely Positive Maps” (Slides)
      The presentation for the final defence of the Projet de 3A Algorithmes efficaces et fondements des languages de programmation course (2023-2024)
    • “Distinguishability of Random Quantum States” (Slides)
      A presentation for the Informatique quantique et applications course (2023-2024)

  • (February 2023)
    • “Quantum Attacks on Symmetric Cryptography Schemes” (Slides)
      A presentation for the Cryptography course (2021-2022), in collaboration with Arman Maghsoudnia

  • (July 2022)
    • “Interpretable ML” (Slides)
      A presentation for the Artificial Intelligence course (2021-2022), in collaboration with Fahimeh Hosseini Noohdani

  • (June 2020)
    • “Classification of 2-Dimensional Manifolds”
      A presentation for the Topology course (2019-2020)

  • (December 2019)
    • “Gauss–Bonnet theorem”
      A presentation for the Elementary Differential Geometry course (2019-2020)