Approximation Algorithms Zoo

In the memory of Luca Trevisan.


What is an approximation algorithm?

We’ve all encountered optimization problems that are classified as NP-hard. It is widely believed that finding a fast (i.e., polynomial-time) algorithm to solve these problems is unlikely. However, these problems arise in numerous real-world situations, from VLSI chip design to barter-exchange markets. Given their importance, simply abandoning the search for solutions is not an option. This is where approximation algorithms come into play. The core idea behind approximation algorithms is to trade off the quality of the solution for a faster runtime.

Let $A$ be an algorithm for a minimization problem $P$, and let $I$ represent an instance of $P$ whose optimal value is denoted by $OPT(I)$ (or simply $OPT$, if the instance is clear from the context). We define $A(I)$ as the solution output by $A$ on input $I$, and $c(A(I))$ as the objective value of $A(I)$. We say that $A$ is an \textbf{$\alpha$-approximation algorithm} for $P$ if for every instance $I$, \[ \frac{c(A(I))}{OPT(I)} \leq \alpha. \] Here, $\alpha \geq 1$ is necessary for the inequality to hold, reflecting that the algorithm’s solution is at most $\alpha$ times worse than the optimal solution.

A similar definition applies for maximization problems, where $\alpha \leq 1$. In this case, $A$ is an $\alpha$-approximation algorithm for a maximization problem $P$ if for every instance $I$, \[ \frac{c(A(I))}{OPT(I)} \geq \alpha. \] This ensures that the solution found by $A$ is at least $\alpha$ times the optimal value.

Let $V$ be a vector space and ${v_1, v_2, \dots, v_n}$ be a basis.

Algorithm parameters: step size $\alpha \in (0 , 1] , \epsilon > 0$
Initialize $Q ( s, a ), \ \forall s \in S^+ , a \in A ( s ),$ arbitrarily except that $Q ( terminal , \cdot ) = 0$

Loop for each episode:
$\quad$Initialize $S$
$\quad$Loop for each step of episode:
$\qquad$Choose $A$ from $S$ using some policy derived from $Q$ (eg $\epsilon$-greedy)
$\qquad$Take action $A$, observe $R, S’$
$\qquad Q(S,A) \leftarrow Q(S,A) + \alpha[R+\gamma \max_a(S’, a) - Q(S, A)]$
$\qquad S \leftarrow S’$
$\quad$ until $S$ is terminal